Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day 504 - Dragging on a bit...

Hello All,

Things are dragging on a bit - I am personally finding it a bit wearing to put on a happy face although through it all there are still some good events to smile about.

Better to be dragging on than the alternative...

As many of you know I have spent the past 3-4 weeks on my bed and we have now taken the edge off the pain by getting the right mix of pain relief.

I had my Oncologist meeting today attended by my Macmillan Nurse, the lovely H. As the only position I am comfortable in is lying on my side I could not sit in the waiting room so had to take up three chairs lying on my side. H walking past noticed and called me and Fran through into the examination room where I could wait for my appointment and be more comfortable.

After discussing the pain relief we moved on to finding out the source of the pain.... Dr F noted that the pain doesn't add up to being cancer related as the pain has increased quite rapidly. The last CT scan several weeks ago showed no growths in that area...therefore an MRI scan is the next step. It may be an abscess or something similar which makes sense due to other things I am experiencing.

Dr F has decided to postpone my next course of chemo/bio in case the MRI shows up anything that requires surgery, sounds like a sensible approach...that will be a space of 7 weeks between sessions so should be okay.

That's it for now so will wrap it up with prayers and much love for Barbara, Carole, Mike and Lisa for their challenges ahead.

Much Love to all,

T xxx

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Gone but absolutely never forgotten!

Our dear friend David whom I met on the Cancer Research website several months ago sadly lost his battle to cancer in the early hours of this morning.

People use the word inspiration too lightly at times however David was a true inspiration to all who came into contact with him....his final log on my blog on 02nd March was to wish me a Happy Birthday..we planned to meet up in Matlock for a couple of bottles of beer and a good meal with the gang and when I am well enough I plan to do that in his honour and raise a glass...

David 02nd March 2011

"Many Happy Returns big fella - have called in the cavalry to my hospital bedside with suitable provisions to enable a belated toast - Boddies seems to be going down well!"

At rest without pain now 'Big Fella'

Much Love

Tony xxx

Monday, 11 April 2011

What's Up Doc!

It's been a while... 

I have started to type several times in the past couple of weeks but as some very close friends of mine are going through their own challenges, couldn't find the words. They all know my personal thoughts and prayers are with them. xxx

Now a quick update on me...

I started my 3 month sabbatical from work last week, a massive thanks to Richard, Alastair and RRD for the continued support. It was the sensible solution after much deliberation as to how I am going to cope with the ongoing chemo and biological therapy. As it stands I have spent last week and this week so far in/on bed as the increased pain does not allow me to stand, lie on my back or sit. The pain was incredible and can only be described as on par with a very bad toothache or several toothaches in the same mouth. 

The Macmillan nurse from the local Ashgate Hospice has been managing my pain in conjunction with my GP Dr P and I can quite honestly say that apart from a couple of blips we are moving in the right direction...

I am on a drug called Zomorph twice a day for the main pain and have liquid Oramorph for the break-through pain in an emergency. In addition today we are trying a new drug amitriptyline to take at bed time as I am experiencing issues at 2-4am with the pain so will see how that goes.

Next step is to find the cause of the pain...

T xx

Saturday, 2 April 2011

This not about me but about YOU!

You have all supported me though my journey, many of you say what an inspirational person I am - therefore if you haven't already acted upon that inspiration now is the time to do so...Let me inspire you to get checked out if you notice any abnormal changes in your bowel habits however small...they can do very simple tests which take minutes:

April is 'Beating Bowel Cancer' month...familiarise yourself with the symptoms and remember that you don't have to have ALL the symptoms. If in doubt, check it out

Five-year survival rates for male rectal cancer rose from 25% in the early 1970s to 51% in mid 2000s and from 27% to 55% for female rectal cancer. These improvements are a result of earlier diagnosis and better treatment but there is still much scope for further progress...

All the very best

Tony xx