Friday, 3 December 2010

What else is there?

Just so you know that my life doesn't revolve around also revolves around snow...

Fran was supposed to be in Bakewell for Mon-Tue of this week and is still there, probably for the next day or so.

Poor Charlotte has been put to work as she is off school and I reckon sometimes she wished she was in class, especially when I sent her t' shops to get catfood, eggs and sausages (I don't eat sausages honest, they are not on my approved list - but they did taste good!)


  1. Your back garden looks like my back garden, only you have a foot more snow. Keeping my fingers xxxxd we dont get more on top of the ice, or teen son will be stuck in Manchester after late night gig tonight

  2. Hi Tony

    Looks like you've had your fair share of the white stuff! It's so damned cold isn't it! Minus 15 here on the hilltop in Northumberland today!

    I'm sure the sausages will have done you the world of good...but I'm not sure you should be eating cat food!...only joking!

    Stay warm bonny lad. Hope Fran makes it home ok.

    Shents xxxx

  3. I'm busy NOT showing Dj Shents blog and now I'm NOT showing him yours as well...

    He LOVES snow so much and although we do have some, it's nothing like what you guys have been getting.
    He's so pleased to see ANY snow here in London -

    Me, I'm staying home coz the last thing I need to do is fall over and pull stitches etc.

    Keep warm and hope Fran makes it home safely eventually xxxx

  4. I thought the same about the cat food !!!
    Sometimes sausages are the real deal and nothing els will do.well maybe a slice of bacon as well
    Rose xxx

  5. hey tony really weird you know i dont eat sausages either b!!but the other day i ate one!! was yummy but a one off!!love the snow"not" xxxx like it putting the kids to work!! mine moan if they make a brew!!xxxxlove ya all hope it warms up real soon !xx

  6. My comment dissapeared so will try again/Ithought the same about the cat food!!!Hope you are managing to stay on an even keel there Tony,is the treatment achieving the results you need?
    My love and thoughts are with you all

  7. I cant get my comments to appear Tony but will keep trying.Much love to you all

  8. Rose, I thought about not putting on the previous comments but it looked so funny and made me laugh I thought I would add them all...

    Thanks dear friend for the big grin I now have.

    Much Love

    T xx
